Developing the Young Workforce North Highland

Developing the Young Workforce North Highland

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Delivering the Youth Guarantee – Giving every young person the chance to succeed.

Posted: September 2nd, 2020 | Posted in:

The Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Fiona Hyslop MSP, has announced further details on how the Youth Guarantee will give young people the chance to succeed despite the economic impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19).  Today’s announcement has confirmed additional investment for Developing the Young Workforce Regional Groups to support …
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PACE – Get Redundancy Support

Posted: September 1st, 2020 | Posted in:

If your business is under threat of redundancy, Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) can help. PACE is a Scottish Government initiative, and is a partnership of 22 organisations providing free advice and support to anyone facing redundancy. PACE can help you as an employer by supporting your employees …
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Scottish Government Cyber Resilience Update (27/08/2020)

Posted: August 27th, 2020 | Posted in:

As a result of the significant rise in COVID-19 related scams, over the next few months, the Scottish Government Cyber Resilience Unit will share important information. The aim is to share these updates weekly. Scottish Government ask that you consider circulating this information through your networks, adapting where …
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Posted: August 18th, 2020 | Posted in:

DYW will be broadcasting an exciting new series of live webinars for young people from Monday 24th August to Friday 28th August.​The DYW Up2U episodes will include conversations and live Q & A with employers, young people and specialists from different pathways you can take. We hope these …
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Results Helpline offering support across Scotland

Posted: August 17th, 2020 | Posted in:

Thousands of young people can access dedicated support Skills Development Scotland’s (SDS) Results Helpline. The free* helpline from Scotland’s career service offers advice, information and guidance for young people and their parents. James Russell, SDS Director of Career Information, Advice & Guidance Operations said, “This is an unprecedented …
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Social Security Scotland – Job Start Payment

Posted: August 14th, 2020 | Posted in:

Young people are expected to face some of the greatest challenges with employment as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. As such, Social Security Scotland will distribute the Job Start Payment from 17th August 2020. Getting a job offer can sometimes just be the first hurdle for a …
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Scottish Government Cyber Resilience Update (13/08/2020)

Posted: August 13th, 2020 | Posted in:

As a result of the significant rise in COVID-19 related scams, over the next few months, the Scottish Government Cyber Resilience Unit will share important information. The aim is to share these updates weekly. Scottish Government ask that you consider circulating this information through your networks, adapting where …
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#NoWrongPath: Journey into Technology – Erin Shearsmith

Posted: August 5th, 2020 | Posted in:

Back in February I began a 12-week ScotGrad placement supported by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) with communications specialist 4MS Network Solutions, in which I comprised a strategic marketing audit and comprehensive plan, following which I was delighted to be offered a role as Marketing Analyst at 4MS …
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SQA outlines Results Day support for students

Posted: August 4th, 2020 | Posted in:

On Tuesday 4 August, more than 130,000 young people across Scotland will receive the results for their Nationals, Highers, Advanced Highers, and a whole series of other courses, certificates, and awards. The cancellation of the exam diet has meant results this year will be based on estimates in …
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Scottish Government Cyber Resilience Update (30/07/2020)

Posted: July 30th, 2020 | Posted in:

As a result of the significant rise in COVID-19 related scams, over the next few months, the Scottish Government Cyber Resilience Unit will share important information. The aim is to share these updates weekly. Scottish Government ask that you consider circulating this information through your networks, adapting where …
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