Graduate Apprentice Building Standards Surveyor (2 vacancies) – The Highland Council, Caithness/Isle of Skye

- Graduate Apprentice Building Standards Surveyor (2 vacancies)
- Location: Caithness/Isle of Skye
- 35 hours per week, Permanent
- Salary: £22,659 – £44,790 p.a.
- Reference Number: HGH16753
Contact Person: Alasdair Murray Tel: 07767 670491
This role is open to a candidate that has ambition to develop to a professional grade. The position initially will be on a fixed grade basis and will change annually as successful assessments/competencies/stages are achieved.
This is a progressive approach to developing a candidate ultimately leading to a building standards surveying post and will provide a structure for the advancement of skills, knowledge and competence leading to a qualification in building standards surveying.
The apprenticeship will form a contract that covers the candidate’s advancement, meeting the expectations for the Council. The contract will detail the range of duties and responsibilities of those involved within the organisation, management and mentoring of the role. Assessment of each stage will be in the form of a technical review by the Building Standards Management Team and the appointed Workplace Mentor with a recommendation to the Head of Infrastructure for approval.
The starting point would be a higher-level school leaver or practical qualification from further education; and the completion would be a Building Standards Surveyor that has achieved a Graduate Apprenticeship BSc (Hons) in Construction and the Built Environment and achievement of a minimum three years on the job training.
Please APPLY ONLINE. If you are unable to apply online and you wish to request an offline application pack, please contact Business Support, T: 01955 608279 (24 hour voicemail) quoting the post reference number above.
The Highland Council understands that diversity fosters creativity and innovation. We are committed to equality of opportunity, and being fair and inclusive. We welcome applications from people from all backgrounds, representative of the communities we serve and particularly encourage applications from candidates who are likely to be under-represented in the workforce.
The candidate will have the requisite entry grades for University enrolment. Normally BBC Highers to include English (or a written subject requiring the use of English), Maths and a Science subject are required at National 5 grade C or above.
Applicants from those with equivalent qualifications to those stated, including Foundation Apprenticeships (SCQF Level 6), SVQs/NVQs, non-relevant HNCs, access programmes and overseas qualifications will be considered.
You will be expected to travel efficiently and effectively between various work locations within Highland to meet the operational requirements of the Service.
The candidate must be computer literate with IT skills in Microsoft Office applications.