Developing the Young Workforce North Highland

Developing the Young Workforce North Highland

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Ro-ràdh don t-seirbheis dhreuchdan agus cothroman dreuchdan Gàidhlig

February 8, 2023 @ 6:30 pm – 7:15 pm
Ro-ràdh don t-seirbheis dhreuchdan agus cothroman dreuchdan Gàidhlig

Ro-ràdh don t-seirbheis dhreuchdan agus cothroman dreuchdan Gàidhlig

Gaelic Webinar, Skills Development Scotland

Wednesday 8th February, 18:30 – 19:15


Reserve your spot HERE.


An introduction to the career service and Gaelic career opportunities (in Gaelic). This webinar is aimed at Parents and Carers.


Skills Development Scotland careers advisers are hosting a webinar in Gaelic at 6:30pm on Weds 8 Feb for parents and carers to explain their career service and what they do in school and beyond to support young people. They will also discuss future career opportunities for those who speak or are studying Gaelic.

Tha comhairlichean dhreuchdan Leasachadh Sgilean na h-Alba a cumail co-labhairt-lìn eadar 6:30 gu 7:15f air Diciadain 8mh Gearran dha phàrantan agus luchd-cùraim sgoilearan P7 gu AS3 airson ar seirbheis dhreuchdan a mhìneachadh agus innse mu dheidhinn an obair againn as na sgoiltean agus nas fhaide air falbh airson taic a thoirt do dhaoine òga. Bruidhnidh iad cuideachd mu chothroman dreuchdail san àm ri teachd airson sgoilearan aig a bheil Gàidhlig neo tha ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig.


Skills Development Scotland careers advisers are hosting a webinar in Gaelic at 6:30 to 7:15pm on Wednesday 8 February for parents and carers of P7 to S3 pupils to explain our career service and what we do in school and beyond to support young people. They will also discuss future career opportunities for those who speak or are studying Gaelic.

Please note this webinar will be in Gaelic. A recording of the webinar in Gaelic and English will be sent out after the webinar as part of the follow-up information.

Airson faighinn a steach dhan a seisean seo, feumaidh tu an app Microsoft Teams a luchdadh a-nuas air an inneal agad – tha sinn a comhairleachadh ma tha thu a cleachdadh fòn-làimhe neo tablet, gun luchdaich sibh seo a-nuas mus tòisich an seisean.

In order to access this session, you will require to have downloaded the Microsoft Teams app on your device – we would advise that if you are using a mobile or tablet, you download this prior to the session.

Aithris Dìomhaireachd: Feumaidh sinn am fiosrachadh pearsanta agad gus an urrainn dhuinn fiosrachadh a chuir a mach mu dheidhinn an tachartas agus mar a gheibh u steach dhan a seisean. Far a bheil e iomchaidh, cuiridh sinn a-mach fiosrachadh leanmhainn agus foirm measaidh cuideachd. A bharrachd air an sin, leigidh am fiosrachadh seo leinn fios a chur thugad a thaobh seirbheisean agus tachartasan Leasachadh Sgilean na h-Alba (SDS) a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith feumail. Faodaidh tu tarraing a-mach a conaltradh post-d a chuireas sinn thugad mu na seirbheisean agus tachartasan SDS aig àm sam bith a cleachdadh a cheangal aon-click aig bonn am post-d. Stòraidh SDS a fiosrachadh pearsanta agad gu tèarainte agus cha glèidh e a ach cho fads sa dh’ fheumar. Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, cuir fios gu Sgioba Dìon Dàta SDS aig neo ma tha thu airson tuilleadh fhaighinn a mach mu mar a chleachdas sinn a fiosrachadh agad, faic